Request Tracker
Something is wrong. Who to call? When will the problem be solved? And how? If there are a lot of user requirements, it pays to set up up a stand-alone system to manage these queries. Request Tracker (RT) offers a way to clearly manage and address all user requests. It is a simple program that considerably saves time for you, your employees and our technicians.
Request management with Request Tracker
- RT is very flexible, and its behavior can be influenced by detailed settings.
- RT can be configured differently for individual clients, request queues or even company departments.
- Using the email interface, RT receives requests from clients; the web interface is used by technicians to manage tickets, program settings and internal communication to the requests.
How can Request Tracker help you?
- It will enable a group of people (e.g. technicians, your IT department, etc.) to manage the requirements of users, most often your employees or clients.
- RT provides information on current and historical client requirements and their distribution.
- RT can clearly sort the requirements in the "queue" according to various parameters. Request queues allow requests to be divided based on their common property. For example, you can have a queue for all requests related to mail servers, a queue for client requests, and so on.
What does the Request Tracker interface look like?
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